Krasnovidovo Limnological Station



Edel’shtein, K.K., Puklakov, V.V., Datsenko, Yu.S., Erina, O.N., Sokolov, D.I. Water Resour (2018) 45: 399-408 (in press).


Sokolov, D.I., Erina, O. Dissolved organic matter in the river waters of moscow’s water supply sources: The effect of reservoirs. In Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM): Properties, Applications and Behavior. Pokrovsky O.S., Shirokova L.S. (Editors), pages 81–114. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., United States New York, 2017.


Puklakov, V.V., Edelshtein, K.K., Datsenko, Y.S. Assessment of the role of reservoir morphology in parameterizing its ecological regime under extreme hydrological conditions. Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol. (2016) 41: 569.

Panin, G.N., Vyruchalkina, T.Y., Grechushnikova, M.G., Solomonova, I.V. Specific features of the hydrological regime of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir under climate changes in the Don basin. Water Resour (2016) 43: 249.


Kremenetskaya, E.R., Belova, S.L., Sokolov, D.I., Lomova, D.V. Organic matter production and transformation in the Mozhaisk Reservoir at lower water level. Water Resour (2015) 42: 78.


Grechushnikova, M.G. The results of the numerical simulation of regime variations in the Mozhaisk and Istra reservoirs for the A2 scenario of global warming. Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol. (2014) 39: 195.


Puklakov, V.V., Ershova, M.G., Edel’shtein, K.K. Synoptic variability of the thermodynamical state of Rybinsk Reservoir water masses. Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol. (2013) 38: 53.


Edelshtein, K.K., Grechushnikova, M.G., Datsenko, Y.S., Puklakov, V.V. Diagnostic modelling of within-water processes in reservoirs. Water Resour (2012) 39: 432.

Datsenko, Y.S., Zaslavskaya, M.B. Balance evaluation of the role of lateral inflow in water quality formation in the reservoirs of the water divide reach of the Moscow Canal. Water Resour (2012) 39: 98

Lomova, D.V., Brekhovskikh, V.F., Vishnevskaya, G.N., Kremenetskaya E.R. Influence of intrareservoir and meteorological factors on the rate of oxygen demand by valley reservoir sediments. Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol. (2012) 37: 338.


Panin, G.N., Grechushnikova, M.G., Puklakov, V.V. Adapting a model of heat and mass exchange between a water body and the atmosphere taking into account the effect of shallows: Case study of the Ivankovo Reservoir. Water Resour (2011) 38: 818.

Kremenetskaya, E.R., Lomova, D.V., Sokolov, D.I. Edels'shtein, K.K. Sedimentation of suspension in the Mozhaisk Reservoir. Water Resour (2011) 38: 522.


Edel’shtein, K.K., Goncharov, A.V., Ershova, M.G., Puklakov, V.V., Puklakova, N.G., Sokolov D.I. Bottom sediments of the oldest reservoir in Moscow region. Water Resour (2010) 37: 234.

Belova, S.L., Kremenetskaya, E.R. The effect of water level variations on production-destruction processes in the Mozhaisk Reservoir. Water Resour (2010) 37: 807


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Datsenko, Y.S., Edel’shtein, K.K., Goncharov, A.V., Puklakov, V.V., Chernega, S.S. Variations in the Hydroecological Characteristics of Water Masses in the Central Pool of the Mozhaisk Reservoir. Water Resour (2005) 32: 319.

Edel’shtein, K.K., Ershova, M.G., Zaslavskaya, M.B. Biochemogenic Calcite as an Important Component of Matter Turnover in the Eutrophic Mozhaisk Reservoir. Water Resour (2005) 32: 434.


Gashkina, N.A., Puklakov, V.V., Kremenetskaya, E.R. Dynamics of Phosphorus and Balance Estimate of Its Exchange Processes with the Bed in the Mozhaisk Reservoir during Vegetation Period. Water Resources (2004) 31: 649.


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